Experience horses as healers
Through groundwork with horses, hands-on energy healing, sound therapy and animal communication, Burton uses her Shelly Energy Medicine system to help horse and human restore balance to the mind, body and spirit; and release traumas that have manifested as physical pain or emotional blockages. Together, they heal and deepen their partnership. This offering completed in 2020, when Shelly pivoted to create Empathy Heals.
Horse Medicine™ helps you align with the GPS of your soul and unlock the critical path to your goals. The above video features notable scientists, athletes and entrepreneurs experiencing Horse Medicine™, including Dr. Mark Hyman, MD and Amy Millar, Olympic Show Jumping Rider.
“When we find connection with the horse’s heart, we know what it is to feel home.”
Why Horses?
Horses become your reconnect button. The horse’s heart is five times greater in size and beats more slowly than our human heart. By being around a horse, our heart feels a natural calm. Horses are also prey animals, and they scan the energy of their environment to determine if they are safe. If we are resisting our emotions, or have overactive minds due to stress or fear, the horse reads us as a predator and moves away. Horses give clear unconditional feedback of how we feel, through their behaviour. When you are calm and present, the horse will open to connect with you.
Ready to receive horse medicine?
Stable Sessions
Allow an unbridled horse to mirror emotional blockages and heal them through its love, alongside Reiki, channeling and sound therapy.
Deepen your relationship with your horse. Learn about their emotional needs and how to respond to them through an intuitive reading.
About Shelly
Shelly Burton holds a Masters in Medical Anthropology from Oxford University and an Honours B.Sc. in Biomedical Science from the University of Guelph. Her Shelly Energy Medicine™ system is recognized by the Canadian Examining Board of Healthcare Practitioners, the Canadian Reiki Association, and the City of Toronto. She is a highly sought after practitioner who has hosted workshops at the prestigious Soho Farmhouse in the UK, and has a cast of worldwide clients from New York to Los Angeles, London to Paris.