Energy Medicine Woman
Through hands-on high-vibration energy healing, intuitive counselling and sound therapy, Burton uses her Shelly Energy Medicine system to help you rebalance to the mind, body, and spirit and release traumas that have manifested as emotional blocks so that you can rediscover your essence.
“The revolution starts within you. It’s a quiet one, where you open your heart and live your truth.”
Are you Ready to rediscover your essence?
Your Guide
Shelly is an internationally acclaimed Energy Medicine Woman, and Oxford-trained medical anthropologist.
Shelly Energy Medicine is a path to liberation. It helps you release stagnant energies and reprogram your emotional memory.
Find Home through these Pathways of the heart
Private sessions
Awaken your body's natural healing processes, and restore balance to your mind, body and spirit.
Healing RETREATs
Rapidly release blockages and shift into the lightness of being that comes with true internal alignment.