Energy Medicine Woman
Through hands-on high-vibration energy healing, channeled wisdom, sound therapy, and neuroscience-based mind rewiring, Burton uses her Shelly Energy Medicine system to help you rebalance your mind, body, and spirit and release traumas that have manifested as emotional blocks so that you rediscover your essence.
“The revolution starts within you. It’s a quiet one, where you open your heart and live your truth.”
Are you Ready to rediscover your essence?
Your Guide
Shelly is an internationally acclaimed Energy Medicine Woman, and Oxford-trained medical anthropologist.
Samhara Energy Medicine is a path to liberation. It helps you release stagnant energies and reprogram your emotional memory.
The PATH of a healer chooses you
After experiencing a life-altering concussion that was impermeable to Western medical care, Shelly Burton found her true calling as a healing knowledge facilitator. Burton is an extraordinarily gifted and highly sought-after energy medicine healer and wise woman, who has helped thousands of people across the globe. She has helped them radically transform their emotional health and overcome deep-seeded barriers through her systems of energy medicine.
Through Burton’s understanding of emotional health, rooted in a fusion of science and a higher understanding, that she has become a popular speaker, podcaster and author. She has been featured on BBC World Service, The Toronto Star, Netflix and The Huffington Post.